What Are the Side Effects of Magnesium Glycinate? A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Safety and Efficacy of Magnesium Glycinate Gummies

What Are the Side Effects of Magnesium Glycinate? A Comprehensive Guide

by Kate Milltown

Magnesium is one of the most vital minerals necessary for the proper functioning of our body.

Unfortunately, most of us aren't getting enough of it through our diet, which can lead to various health issues. That's where magnesium glycinate comes in - a supplement that helps fill the gaps.

Anyhow, like any other supplement, it's important to understand its side effects and how it affects your body. In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of magnesium glycinate and explore its side effects, benefits, and more.

Can magnesium glycinate cause side effects?

Before we dive into the side effects, it's essential to understand that magnesium glycinate doesn't cause any side effects in healthy individuals when taken in normal doses.

Nonetheless, in some rare cases, it can cause side effects, especially when taken in high doses.

Some of the potential side effects of magnesium glycinate include:


This is the most common side effect of magnesium supplements, including magnesium glycinate. It occurs due to the laxative effect of magnesium, which can increase bowel movements, leading to diarrhea.

Nausea and stomach cramps

In some instances, magnesium glycinate can lead to nausea and stomach cramps, especially when taken on an empty stomach.


Magnesium glycinate is known to have a calming effect on the body, which can lead to fatigue in some people.

Low blood pressure

Magnesium glycinate is known to lower blood pressure, which can cause dizziness and lightheadedness in some people. If you have low blood pressure, you should consult your doctor before taking magnesium glycinate.

Allergic reactions

Some people may be allergic to magnesium glycinate, which can cause skin rashes, itching, and swelling.

How to avoid the side effects of magnesium glycinate?

The best way to avoid the side effects of magnesium glycinate is by taking it as directed and staying within the recommended dosage.

You should consult your doctor before taking magnesium glycinate if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or take any medications regularly. Also, make sure to take magnesium glycinate with food to avoid stomach cramps and nausea.

Benefits of magnesium glycinate

Magnesium glycinate is a highly absorbable form of magnesium that provides numerous health benefits. Some of the benefits of magnesium glycinate include:

Calming effect

Magnesium glycinate has a calming effect on the body, which can improve sleep quality and reduce stress and anxiety.

Improved bone density

Magnesium is necessary for maintaining healthy bones, and magnesium glycinate can help prevent osteoporosis and other bone-related issues.

Improved heart condition

Magnesium glycinate can lower blood pressure and improve heart condition, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Improved blood sugar control

Magnesium glycinate can improve insulin sensitivity, making it an ideal supplement for people with diabetes.


The benefits of magnesium glycinate are numerous and outweigh its side effects if taken in recommended doses.

Hope this might help make up your mind
With Passion
Kate Milltown

If you're someone who's been searching for the perfect magnesium supplement, you might want to check out VibeVeb's review of the best magnesium glycinate gummies on the market right now.

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A recipe for that is perfect for anyone looking for an alternative to traditional supplements.
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